Egypt Travel Info

Egypt, officially the Arab Republic, sits at the crossroads of North Africa and Western Asia. The Sinai Peninsula connects seamlessly to the latter, enhancing Egypt’s regional importance. Bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, Gaza Strip, Israel, Red Sea, Sudan, and Libya, Egypt travel info is a pivotal hub in both Africa and the Middle East.

With a substantial population, many Egyptians reside along the Nile River, the country’s prime agricultural region, while the Sahara Desert remains sparsely populated. Urban life flourishes, especially in Cairo and Alexandria.

Renowned for its ancient civilization and iconic monuments, Egypt plays a crucial role in Middle Eastern politics and culture. Its diversified economy, driven by tourism, agriculture, and industry, positions Egypt among the most developed in the Middle East. For an insightful guide to this multifaceted nation, delve into the wonders of Egypt Travel Info.

Egypt Climate

Egypt’s diverse climate presents a tapestry of conditions. While Alexandria experiences coolness and dampness, Aswan is already basking in intense heat. The optimal times for exploring iconic sites like the pyramids and the Valley of the Kings are from February to April and October to November. During these periods, the weather is pleasantly warm, offering clear skies and a vibrant blue sea. However, the secret is out, and these times attract a surge of visitors.

Come April, the Khamsin wind from the Sahara kicks in, enveloping the landscape in dust and challenging sightseeing. The scorching and dry summers can pose risks of dehydration, limiting outdoor activities. Winters, although mild, might be overcast, casting a subdued light over the desert and ancient monuments. Rainfall is negligible, except for occasional showers along the coast. Consider these climatic nuances for a well-rounded exploration of Egypt’s wonders.

Required Clothing

In Egypt, choosing the right clothing is a blend of cultural respect and climate adaptability. Opt for loose and lightweight fabrics, such as cotton and linen, to navigate the warm temperatures effectively. These materials allow your skin to breathe while keeping you comfortable. For winter or cooler evenings, layering with warmer clothes is advisable, ensuring you stay cozy when the temperature drops.

Additionally, embracing modest attire aligns with cultural norms and demonstrates respect for local traditions. This balance of practicality and cultural sensitivity ensures you can enjoy your time in Egypt comfortably, whether you’re exploring historical wonders, traversing bustling markets, or simply soaking in the vibrant atmosphere of this captivating country. Pack thoughtfully for a seamless and enjoyable experience.

City Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Cairo High 19 21 24 28 32 35 35 35 32 30 24 21
Low 9 9 11 14 17 18 22 22 20 18 14 11
Luxor High 23 25 29 35 40 41 41 41 39 35 30 25
Low 5 7 11 16 21 23 24 24 22 18 12 8
Aswan High 24 30 35 39 42 41 41 40 36 30 25 25
Low 8 9 13 17 21 24 24 25 22 9 14 10
el Sheikh
High 23 26 29 33 36 34 34 34 33 28 23 23
Low 16 17 18 21 24 26 27 27 26 23 20 18


Banks, shops and businesses close (or the following Egyptian National Holidays (civil, secular), and public transport may run only limited services:

■          7th January (Eastern Orthodox Christmas)

■          25th April (Liberation Day)

■          1st May (Labour Day)

■          23rd July (Revolution Day)

■          6th October (Armed Forces Day)

■          1st Shawwal, The10th Hijri month (Eid Elfitr)

■          10th Tho-Elhejjah, the12th Hijri month (Eid Al-adha)

Ramadan in Egypt

Embarking on Ramadan in Egypt unveils a unique cultural celebration, where spirituality and unity intertwine. During this month-long observance, fasting, communal meals, and acts of kindness weave together traditions that characterize this meaningful period.

Fasting Traditions

In Egypt, Muslims embrace the centuries-old tradition of fasting from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan. This period of self-discipline and spiritual reflection culminates each day with the communal breaking of the fast, or Iftar, fostering a sense of togetherness among families and communities.

Spiritual Atmosphere

As the sun sets, Egypt transforms into a vibrant spectacle. Families gather for Iftar, sharing special dishes, and mosques become lively hubs for prayers and celebrations that extend into the night. The resonance of prayers and the glow of colorful lights in the streets define the spiritual and festive ambiance.

Acts of Generosity and Unity

Beyond personal reflection, Ramadan in Egypt is a time of communal generosity and unity. Acts of kindness and charity become integral to the observance, reflecting the values of compassion and giving back to the community.

Embracing Traditions

To fully experience Ramadan in Egypt is to immerse oneself in its rich cultural traditions. From traditional Iftar gatherings to the breathtaking sight of illuminated mosques, the experience encapsulates the warmth, hospitality, and collective spirit that define this sacred time.

Egypt Terrain

Egypt’s terrain is a captivating tapestry, showcasing deserts, river valleys, and vibrant coastal regions. Each part of the land contributes to the nation’s unique character and cultural heritage.

Sahara’s Vast Expanse

The Sahara Desert blankets much of Egypt, its arid expanses sparsely inhabited due to challenging conditions. This vast desert landscape has shaped the nation’s history and has been both a barrier and a link between different civilizations.

Nile River Valley

Along the Nile River, where the majority of Egyptians reside, the terrain transforms into fertile land, supporting agriculture. The Delta region, known for its lush landscapes, is a crucial agricultural hub that has sustained communities for centuries.

Coastal Beauty

Egypt’s coastal areas, including the Mediterranean and Red Sea, boast picturesque scenery. These regions contribute significantly to the economy through tourism and fisheries, showcasing a different facet of Egypt’s diverse terrain.

A Geographical Tapestry

From the ancient civilizations flourishing along the Nile to the modern cities on the coast, Egypt’s diverse terrain has played a vital role in shaping its identity. Embark on a journey to explore this geographical tapestry, where every landscape tells a story of culture, history, and daily life.

Egypt Regions

Lower Egypt

Lower Egypt, comprising the northern Nile Delta and the enchanting Mediterranean coast, is a region brimming with historical significance and modern vibrancy.

 Nile Delta

The northern Nile Delta, a lush expanse, is the heart of Lower Egypt’s agricultural prowess. Fertile lands contribute to the nation’s food production, creating a landscape of greenery against the backdrop of the mighty Nile River.

Urban Hubs

In Lower Egypt, two bustling urban hubs stand out. Cairo, the capital, is a sprawling metropolis where ancient wonders and modern life coexist. Alexandria, along the Mediterranean coast, boasts a rich history, with remnants of its ancient glory harmonizing with a lively contemporary atmosphere.

 Mediterranean Coast

Lower Egypt’s Mediterranean coast is adorned with historical gems. Cities like Alexandria showcase a blend of ancient wonders like the Library of Alexandria and modern delights, including vibrant waterfronts and bustling markets.

Gateway to Lower Egypt’s Charms

Lower Egypt serves as the gateway to Egypt’s mesmerizing northern wonders. From the cultural tapestry of Cairo to the coastal allure of Alexandria, this region offers a captivating blend of history, urban energy, and natural beauty. Explore Lower Egypt to witness the captivating duality of ancient heritage and modern life.

Middle Egypt

Middle Egypt, positioned along the Nile, is a region where the historical Upper and Lower Kingdoms converged, creating a unique blend of ancient wonders and cultural richness.

Historical Convergence

Middle Egypt holds a special place in history as the point where the Upper and Lower Kingdoms of ancient Egypt met. This geographical significance adds to the region’s cultural and historical importance.

 Nile’s Embrace

The Nile River, flowing through Middle Egypt, not only shapes the landscape but also sustains life. Its fertile banks support agriculture, creating a green corridor that contrasts with the surrounding desert.

 Ancient Marvels

In Middle Egypt, explore remnants of ancient civilizations. Cities like Minya and Beni Suef house archaeological treasures, offering glimpses into the past and showcasing the rich cultural heritage that defines this region.

Cultural Richness

While rooted in history, Middle Egypt is not stuck in the past. Modern life thrives along the Nile, blending with ancient marvels to create a unique atmosphere where tradition and progress coexist harmoniously.

Gateway to Upper and Lower Realms

Middle Egypt serves as a gateway, connecting the historical realms of Upper and Lower Egypt. It invites exploration, promising a journey through time and culture. From ancient wonders to the modern pulse of riverside cities, Middle Egypt unfolds as a captivating chapter in Egypt’s diverse narrative.

Upper Egypt

Upper Egypt, situated along the southern stretch of the Nile, is a region adorned with a string of remarkable temple towns, offering a journey into ancient wonders and cultural heritage.

Temple Towns

Upper Egypt boasts a collection of breathtaking temple towns, each telling a story of ancient craftsmanship and religious significance. Cities like Luxor and Aswan are adorned with temples that stand as testaments to the region’s rich history.


In Luxor, the City of Temples, explore the grandeur of Karnak and Luxor Temples. The Valley of the Kings, with its royal tombs, adds a mystic touch to this historical city, making it a focal point of exploration in Upper Egypt.


Aswan, nestled along the Nile, offers tranquility and a glimpse into Nubian culture. The Philae Temple and the High Dam are iconic landmarks, while a leisurely sail on a felucca captures the serene essence of the region.

Nile’s Southern Charm

Upper Egypt’s southern charm is not just about temples but also about the Nile, which gracefully flows through the region. The river connects the historical dots, allowing travelers to witness the continuous thread of ancient history along its banks.

Timeless Beauty

Upper Egypt invites visitors on a timeless journey into heritage. The temple towns, bathed in the golden hues of the sun, offer a glimpse into the ancient soul of Egypt, making it a must-visit for those seeking to unravel the mysteries of the past.

Western Desert

Nestled on the fringes of Egypt, the Western Desert unveils a vast expanse of tranquility and adventure. This seemingly barren landscape, covering a significant portion of the country, is a canvas of untamed beauty waiting to be explored.

The Serenity of Solitude

The Western Desert offers a stark contrast to the bustling urban life. Here, vast stretches of dunes and rock formations create a serene and tranquil atmosphere, providing a unique escape from the daily grind.


Scattered within the Western Desert are hidden gems – lush oases like Siwa and Bahariya. These green havens, surrounded by palm trees and freshwater springs, offer an oasis of life against the arid backdrop.

White Desert’s Surreal Landscape

One of the Western Desert’s highlights is the White Desert, a surreal landscape where chalky rock formations sculpted by nature resemble a dreamlike mirage. As the sun sets, these formations glow, creating a mesmerizing display.

Adventure Beckons

For the adventure seekers, the Western Desert is a playground. Jeep safaris through the sand dunes, camping under the star-lit sky, and exploring ancient caravan routes evoke a sense of daring exploration.

Historical Echoes

While seemingly desolate, the Western Desert echoes with history. Ancient rock art, fossils, and remnants of past civilizations tell tales of the region’s rich heritage, adding layers of intrigue to its rugged charm.

Stargazing Magic

Away from city lights, the Western Desert transforms into a stargazer’s paradise. The expansive night sky unfolds with a myriad of stars, offering a celestial spectacle that captivates and inspires.

Sustainable Tourism

As visitors traverse the Western Desert, there’s a growing emphasis on sustainable tourism. Respect for the delicate ecosystem and the preservation of cultural sites ensure that future generations can also marvel at the wonders of this arid yet enchanting landscape.

In conclusion, Egypt’s Western Desert is not just a sea of sand; it’s a canvas of contrasts, a palette of history, and a playground for those seeking solitude and adventure. Whether exploring its ancient mysteries or basking in the serenity of its oases, the Western Desert beckons those with a spirit of exploration and a love for the untamed beauty of nature.

Red Sea Coast

The Red Sea Coast is a stunning area along the shores of countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Eritrea, and Djibouti. With its clear blue waters, colorful coral reefs, and sandy beaches, it’s a perfect spot for beach lovers and those into snorkeling and diving. The region has a rich history as a vital trade route, with ancient ports like Berenice showcasing its maritime significance.

Beyond its natural beauty, the Red Sea Coast is a melting pot of cultures, offering a mix of traditional and modern influences. Visitors can enjoy the warm hospitality, savor local cuisine, and explore the unique charm of coastal communities. Whether you’re into relaxation, underwater adventures, or a glimpse into history, the Red Sea Coast has something special to offer.

Sinai Peninsula

Sinai is in Egypt and is shaped like a triangle. Mount Sinai is a tall mountain there. Some think Moses got the Ten Commandments there. People climb it for views and thinking. Sinai has nice beaches and coral reefs in places like Sharm El Sheikh. It’s good for beach lovers and divers. Sinai is old with an interesting history. Great for exploring nature and learning about the past.

Egypt Cities

■         Cairo- the capital of Egypt, home to the Giza Pyramids, the Egyptian Museum and fabulous Islamic architecture

■         Alexandria- Egypt’s window on the Mediterranean, with still-palpable glimpses of the past

■         Aswan- a more relaxed option, full of amazing sights

■         Luxor- gateway to the Valley of the Kings, amongst other fabulous attractions

■         Hurghada- a town on the Red Sea, filled with all-inclusive resorts and diving

Other destinations

■         Abu Simbel- a very remote town in the far south, with some beautiful ancient temples

■         Dahab- backpacker central, with excellent scuba diving

■          Lake Nasser – created by the Aswan Dam

■          Memphis & Saqqara – both filled with relics and ruins of ancient Egypt, they’re often combined as a day trip from Cairo

■          Sharm el-Sheikh – a hugely popular resort town on the Sinai Peninsula, with some of the best scuba diving in the world

■          Siwa – a stunning remote oasis near the Libyan border

Visa Entry to Egypt

Entering Egypt is pretty easy, especially for tourists. There are three types of visas:

1. Tourist Visa

This is for visitors and is usually valid for up to 3 months, either for one entry or multiple entries.

2. Entry Visa

If you’re coming to Egypt for something other than tourism, like work or study, you need this visa. You need it to finish your stay in Egypt.

3. Transit Visa

You might need this if you’re just passing through and only for some nationalities.

You can get these visas from Egyptian embassies abroad or from the Entry Visa Department at the Travel Documents, Immigration, and Nationality Administration. Make sure you have a valid passport. Some countries’ citizens can get a visa when they arrive at certain entry points, but you have to pay a fee. The fees for a single-entry visa vary by country. For example, UK citizens pay £15, US citizens pay US$15, and so on.

Some countries’ citizens get a visa when they arrive, like Bahrain, Guinea, South Korea, Libya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen (they get a 3-month visa). Kuwait citizens can get a 6-month permit. Malaysians get a 15-day visa. Hong Kong citizens can stay for 30 days without a visa.

But citizens of some countries need to get a visa before they come, like Afghanistan, Algeria, China, India, Iran, Israel, Russia, and many others. If you enter Egypt at Taba or Sharm El Sheikh Airport, you might not need a visa for a 14-day visit to the Sinai Peninsula. But if you want to go to Cairo or other Egyptian cities, you’ll need a full visa. If you have a residence permit for Egypt, you might not need a visa when you come back, as long as you return within the permit’s validity or within six months, whichever is less.

If you’re a tourist in Sharm-el-Sheikh and plan to scuba dive outside local areas, you might need a tourist visa, even if you technically leave Sharm-el-Sheikh. Make sure to check if your dive center needs to see your visa before you go on trips.


Passport valid for at least six months from the date of travel required by all nationals referred to in the chart above.

Passport Note

Visitors from all countries, except nationals of the EU and the USA, must register with the police within one week of arrival in Egypt, although this service is normally undertaken by hotels.

Egypt By plane

Egypt has several international airports:

■  [ Cairo International Airport]— the primary entry point and the hub of the national carrier Egypt Air (see []).

■ Alexandria Nozha

■  [ Luxor International Airport]— now receiving an increasing number of international scheduled flights, mostly from Europe, in addition to charter flights.

■  Aswan International Airport

■  Hurghada International Airport — receives a number of charter flights

■  Sharm El-Sheikh International Airport — receives a number of charter flights.

■  Burg Al-Arab International Airport

Egypt By boat

A car ferry runs between Aqaba in Jordan and Nuweiba in the Sinai, tickets are $70. The ferry departs at 13:00 according to its timetable, but you should expect delays of up to 40 minutes or more. A and Aswan in Egypt. Ferry boats also weekly ferry also runs between Wadi Haifa in Sudan between the Red Sea coast to ports in Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Egypt By bus

Travelers can easily access Egypt by bus from Israel from the bus stations in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. You will take a bus to Eilat where you can cross over the border into Taba and take a bus to Cairo or into the Sinai. The Jordanian state bus company, JETT, also operates a direct bus between Amman and Cairo which leaves at 03:00 from the JETT terminal in Amman and takes approximately 19 hours to reach Cairo.

Generally, only two or three buses leave from Taba to the various destinations each day: one in the morning one in the afternoon, and sometimes one in the early evening. You should plan your arrival by bus in Eilat accordingly, and be prepared to spend the night in either Eilat or Taba if you will arrive in the evening. All foreigners must pay a 63LE tax at a small office after the bus leaves the station. Also, be aware that all of the routes by bus must by necessity cross Israel; keep this in mind if you plan on further travel to Syria, Iran, Libya, or other countries that routinely deny entry to those with evidence of travel to Israel in their passports.

Egypt By car

Gas is rather inexpensive in Egypt, prices are heavily subsidized, and they have recently fallen to under USD 1.00/gallon. If you decide to rent a car, you will not add significantly to the cost through gas. Car rental sites require you to be at least 25 years old. Driving in Egypt is very different than in a Western country and is not for the faint of heart; unless you really need this option it is just as easy and probably cheaper to travel by taxi and around the country by airplane, train, and/or bus. As you will see shortly after arrival, obedience to traffic laws is low and there are very few signs indicating road rules.

What to See in Egypt

Highlights of any visit to Egypt include famous archaeological sites from both Lower (North) and Upper (South) Egypt. The most famous are:

■          The Pyramids

■          The Egyptian Museum

■          The pyramids and temple complexes at Saqqara and Dahshur

■          The temples of Luxor and the West Bank across the Nile

■          The Valley of the Kings

■          Alexandria, with several historical sights and the stunning new Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

■          The Temples of Abu Simbel

When you’re done with touring the historical sites above, don’t miss:

■ The Red Sea resorts in the Sinai Peninsula, including Dahab, Hurghada, and Sharm el-Sheikh. The Red Sea offers some of the best dive locations in the world.

■ The sights of the Sinai Peninsula, including

Saint Catherine’s Monastery and Mount Sinai.

■ The Western Desert and the oases there, including Siwa,

■ Memphis, with some relics of ancient Egypt • including a huge statue of Ramesses II, evoking the image that inspired Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem Ozymandias

Talk in Egypt

The official language of Egypt is the Egyptian dialect of Modern Arabic. Egyptian Arabic differs in that the letter Jim is pronounced instead of. Travelers are unlikely to encounter difficulties finding someone who speaks English, especially in tourist centers. Egyptians are eager to improve their English so offering a few new words or gently correcting their mistakes is appreciated.

Following the usual rules of politeness, instead of simply starting a conversation with someone in English, ask “Do you speak English?”. All the more better if you can do it in Arabic: inta/inti aarif il-inglezi? “Do you (male/female) know English?”.

Money and shopping in Egypt

In Egypt, they use the Egyptian pound (EGP), which is divided into 100 piastres. People often write it as LE or £. In Arabic, they call it gunaih, from the English word “guinea,” and piastres are called qirsh. You can change foreign money at banks or exchange offices, so you don’t have to go to street money changers. Some fancy hotels may show prices in dollars or Euros and will take them, but they might charge more than if you pay in Egyptian pounds. ATMs are everywhere in the cities and are usually the best way to get money. Banks are open from Sunday to Thursday, 8:30 am to 2:00 pm.

They have banknotes from 200 pounds to 5 piastres, and they introduced new coins in 2006. It’s not common to find fake money, but it can be hard to change Egyptian pounds outside the country. Some places in Cairo and tourist areas accept credit cards like American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard, and Visa. You can also exchange traveler’s checks at a bank, but it might take some time because of Egyptian bureaucracy.


Egypt is a shopper’s paradise – especially if you’re interested in Egyptian-themed souvenirs and kitsch. However, there are also a number of high-quality goods for sale, often at bargain prices. Some of the most popular purchases include:

  • Antiques: But not things that are super old and important because that’s not allowed.
  • Carpets and Rugs: Nice ones for your home.
  • Cotton Clothes: You can find them at Khan E Khalli, and they’re not too expensive.
  • Inlaid Goods: Like special game boards.
  • Jewelry: They have these metal plates with your name in cool drawings.
  • Leather Stuff: Wallets, bags, and more.
  • Music: Egyptian music is popular, so you might want to grab some.
  • Papyrus: The real one, not the fake made from banana leaves or sugar cane.
  • Perfume: You can buy it at almost any souvenir shop, but make sure it doesn’t have alcohol mixed in.
  • Water pipes (Sheeshas): They’re for smoking different fruity tobaccos.
  • Spices: You can get them at colorful stalls in markets. They’re usually better and way cheaper than in Western stores. But you gotta haggle to get the best price.

The final price will depend on bargaining and local conditions.

When shopping in markets or dealing with street vendors, remember to haggle.

You will also find many Western brands all around. There are many malls in Egypt, the most common being Citystars Mall, which is the largest entertainment center in the Middle East and Africa. You will find all the fast food restaurants you want such as McDonald’s, KFC, Hardees, Pizza Hut, etc. Clothing brands such as Morgan, Calvin Klein, Levi’s, Facconable, Givenchy, Esprit, and more.

Egypt Duty-Free

Egypt Duty-Free guidelines include the following exemptions:

1. 200 cigarettes, 25 cigars, or 200g of tobacco.
2. 1l of alcoholic beverages.
3. 1l of perfume or eau de cologne.
4. Gifts valued up to 500.

Note: Travelers with valuable electronic equipment must list them in their passports to ensure exportation upon departure. The declaration is required for cash, travelers’ cheques, and gold over E£500 upon arrival.

Tipping in Egypt

Tips orbaksheeshare an integral part of Egyptian culture. As many people receive low wages, they tend to supplement their wages by tipping. Keep a stack of small bills handy for tips — no change is given! Some general guidelines:

■          Bathroom attendants: LE 10

■          Cruises: LE 30/day, to be divided by all staff on board

■          Guide: LE 100-150/day

■          Hotel bellman: LE 20 per bag

■          Hotel doorman: LE 20 for services rendered (flagging down taxis etc)

■          Restaurants: In fancier restaurants, a service charge (10-12%) is added to bills,

■          Restaurants: In fancier restaurants, a service charge (10-12%) is added to bills, but a 5-10% tip on top of that is common. In fast-food places, tipping is unnecessary.

■          Taxi drivers: 10% on metered fares, but not necessary if you agreed the fare in advance

■          Site custodians: LE 25 if they do something useful, none otherwise

■          Tour drivers: LE 50/day

If you ask a stranger for directions, tips are not necessary and may even be considered offensive. Officials in uniform, such as police officers, should not be tipped, even though a good few will ask you.

Eatin Egypt

Egypt offers a wonderful opportunity to explore a variety of delicious foods with unique flavors, not too spicy but enriched with aromatic herbs. For a convenient introduction to Egyptian cuisine and staple dishes, consider visiting the Felfela chain of restaurants in Cairo.

Being a country with a coastline, Egypt is abundant in fish restaurants and markets, making fish and seafood a must-try. At fish markets, you’ll find adjacent food stalls where you can select a specific type of fish for them to cook. These stalls usually have communal tables, creating a shared dining experience enjoyed by both locals and tourists alike.

It’s a delightful way to immerse yourself in the local culinary scene and savor the tastes that make Egyptian food special. Don’t miss the chance to explore the rich flavors and cultural diversity through the food offerings in this fascinating country.

Hygiene in Egypt

When you’re in Egypt, it’s essential to be aware that cleanliness levels can vary, depending on the place you visit. Some places may not have the highest hygiene standards. Many tourists might experience problems like parasites or bacterial infections due to changes in diet and weather. To stay prepared, it’s a good idea to use common sense and bring along the right medications.

A useful and affordable option you can find in any pharmacy is “Antinal.” It’s effective for such issues. However, keep in mind that products like “Immodium” or similar ones are not available for purchase in Egypt. Taking simple precautions and being prepared with the right medications can help ensure a healthier and more enjoyable trip.

Egypt Local dishes

In Egypt, there are some tasty dishes you might want to try. One common dish is Ful Medames, made with fava beans slow-cooked in a special copper pot to get the right flavor. They mash the beans, and it’s often mixed with olive oil and sometimes garlic.

People eat Ful Medames with olive oil, parsley, onion, garlic, and lemon juice, usually with Egyptian bread or sometimes Levantine pita. Some folks add chili paste and turmeric for extra flavor.

Another dish to check out is the classic Falafel, known as Ta’miya in Egypt. It’s like deep-fried balls made from ground fava beans (though you might know a chickpea version from other Middle Eastern cuisines). Egyptian Bedouins are said to have invented it, and it’s often eaten as fast food or a quick snack.

A famous dish loved by locals and tourists is Koshary, a mix of macaroni, lentils, rice, chickpeas, and tomato sauce. It’s really popular, and you should definitely give it a try. There’s also a baked version called Taagin.

Egyptian food is a bit like the food in other Arabic-speaking countries around the Eastern Mediterranean. You’ll find dishes like stuffed vegetables, vine leaves, and Shawarma sandwiches, which are common and delicious in Egypt and the surrounding region.

Exotic fruits

Egypt is a fantastic place for Europeans to explore a variety of fresh and exotic fruits at affordable prices. When you visit local markets that are more focused on serving the needs of the people who live there rather than tourists, you’ll discover a diverse selection of fruits. Guava, mango, watermelon, small melons, bananas, and grapes are some of the delightful options you can find at fruit stalls.

These markets provide a unique opportunity to experience the authentic flavors of Egypt and indulge in the sweetness of locally grown fruits. It’s not just a cost-effective way to enjoy exotic fruits, but also a chance to immerse yourself in the vibrant and bustling atmosphere of non-touristy marketplaces. So, make sure to explore these local markets to savor the deliciousness of fresh and exotic fruits during your time in Egypt.

Drinks in Egypt


Bottled water is available everywhere. The local brands (most common being Baraka, Siwa, Hayat, and Dasani) are just as good as expensive imported options, which are also available: Nestle Pure Life, and Evian.


In Egypt, a variety of juices is prevalent, including Kasab (sugar cane), erk soos (licorice), soba (white juice), and tamer, available at the same shops.

Additionally, Luxor is renowned for Karkadae, a hibiscus tea enjoyed hot or cold, with a preference for the latter in Egypt. It’s worth noting that hibiscus tea is known to lower blood pressure, so caution is advised.

Alcoholic drinks

In Egypt, most people are Muslim, and for they, it’s not allowed to drink alcohol. But if you’re not Muslim or you’re a foreigner, it’s usually okay. Many Egyptians are fine with it, and some of them even drink alcohol themselves, especially those who aren’t very strict about following Muslim rules. You might even be asked to get a drink for someone!

You can find alcohol and bottled drinks everywhere in Egypt, especially in big towns, cities, and places where tourists go. But you should be careful not to get too drunk in public, especially if you’re being loud and causing trouble. The police might not like it, and you could end up in trouble. If you want to have a drink, it’s better to do it at your hotel or somewhere close. Surprisingly, it’s not very common to see tourists getting really drunk, even in busy tourist spots.

Stella (not Artois) is a popular beer in Egypt, and there are other local beers too. Some of them have more alcohol in them, like 8% or even 10%. So, if you want to try local beers, you’ll have some choices! Just remember to be respectful and not cause any problems if you decide to have a drink

Egypt Restrictions on Alcohol

In Egypt, the rules about alcohol are generally more flexible compared to many other Islamic countries, except for one specific time called Ramadan. During Ramadan, which is a special month for Muslims, alcohol is not allowed for anyone, except people with foreign passports.

Despite what the Egyptian law says, enforcement can vary. Usually, during Ramadan, you can only find alcohol in hotels and places that are more like what you might see in Western countries, made for foreigners.

Moreover, there are a few days each year, like the full moon day before Ramadan when alcohol is completely not allowed. Some hotels and bars that usually serve alcohol to foreigners might also stop during Ramadan. So, it’s important to know the rules and be aware of when it’s okay to have alcohol and when it’s not in Egypt. This understanding helps visitors navigate cultural practices and legal restrictions regarding alcohol consumption.

Egypt Nightlife

When the day ends in Egypt, the towns wake up! People gather in coffee shops and restaurants, and the streets become lively. Along the river in Cairo or by the sea in Sharm El Sheikh, friends walk together, and you can feel the excitement in the air.

At night, Egypt’s old places light up! Imagine the Sphinx getting all lit up at Giza or the Karnak Temple showing off in Luxor. They do these cool shows with lights and music that tell stories from a long time ago.

But if you want something more modern, big cities like Cairo have fun places to go at night. There are clubs, discos, and even casinos. And if you’re by the river in Luxor or Aswan, you might find barbecues or dinner cruises. On these boats, you can watch traditional dances and listen to famous Egyptian songs. Egypt’s nighttime has a bit of everything, and it’s a lot of fun!

Sleep in Egypt

In Egypt, you have many choices for where to stay. There are simple places for backpackers, like hostels, and really fancy ones that have five stars. You can find these places in big cities like Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh, and Luxor. These cities have hotels from all the big hotel companies you might know. So, whether you want a simple place or a super nice one, you can find a bed that fits what you like.

Stay Safe in Egypt

Scams and Hassle

Sometimes, when you’re in Egypt, people might bother you or try to trick you, which can be a bit annoying. They might talk to you in English and act friendly, then try to get you to visit a shop they like, where they earn money if you buy something. This could happen near museums or even when someone says the museum is closed, which might not be true.

Even though it can be bothersome, it’s usually not dangerous. In busy tourist areas, you might get bothered more, but saying a polite “shukran” (which means “no thanks”) can help. It’s essential to keep a smile and not let it spoil your holiday. Egypt is generally safe, and the people are friendly. If you need help, Egyptians will often try to assist you.

You might hear nice things about your looks, especially if you’re a woman. Don’t be upset; it’s just a compliment. Men shouldn’t worry either; if someone compliments your partner or daughter, it’s meant to be kind and won’t go any further than that. Just stay aware and be friendly, and your time in Egypt should be enjoyable

Crime in Egypt

In the busy cities of Egypt, especially in Cairo, you need to be careful about pickpockets who might try to take your things. Most locals don’t carry wallets; they put their money in a clip in their pockets. It’s a good idea for tourists to do the same to keep their money safe. The good news is that violent crimes, like getting physically attacked or robbed, are not common.

But if, unfortunately, you do become a victim of a theft, you can shout “Harami” (meaning “Criminal!”) to alert people around you, and they might help you catch the person responsible. It’s always smart to stay aware and take simple steps to keep your belongings safe while enjoying your time in Egypt.

Fluids in Egypt

Make sure to stay well-hydrated in Egypt, especially in the dry and hot weather, particularly during the summer. Even if you’re not thirsty, keep sipping water to stay hydrated. Signs of dehydration, such as infrequent urination or dark yellow urine, should not be ignored.

While tap water is generally okay, it might taste different due to chlorine. Bottled mineral water is a safer option for regular drinking. Be cautious, as some may try to sell refilled bottles; always check for an unbroken seal. If you encounter such practices, notify the tourist police.

Exercise caution with fruit juice, as it may be diluted with water. Ensure the milk is from trusted sources, as unpasteurized options may pose risks. Hot drinks like tea and coffee are generally safe due to boiling. Additionally, protect yourself from the intense sun with sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses.

Respect in Egypt

Being respectful in Egypt is important for a good experience. Watch out for tricky situations and annoying encounters, especially in busy tourist spots. If someone bothers you, a polite “shukran” (which means “no thanks”) can help. Egyptians are generally friendly and might compliment you. If you’re a woman and get compliments, it’s usually just a nice thing.

Men don’t need to worry if someone compliments their partner or daughter—it’s meant to be kind. Stay cautious about petty crimes like pickpocketing by keeping your things safe. If someone tries to steal from you, shout “Harami,” and people might help. Being aware and respectful of local ways can make your time in Egypt enjoyable.

Dress in Egypt

Understanding and adhering to local dress norms is crucial when visiting Egypt. The climate, cultural values, and religious practices significantly influence people’s attire in this diverse country. In general, modest clothing is appreciated, particularly in religious and historical sites.

Additionally, for both men and women, it’s advisable to cover shoulders, cleavage, and knees. Women may opt for long skirts or pants and tops with sleeves. While swimsuits are acceptable at beach resorts, it’s respectful to cover up when moving away from the beach areas.

In mosques, both men and women should dress conservatively, with women covering their hair. It’s essential to be aware of the cultural sensitivity surrounding clothing choices and adapt accordingly. This ensures respect for local customs and traditions in Egypt. Overall, dressing appropriately enhances the travel experience and fosters a positive interaction with the local culture.

Contact in Egypt

In Egypt, you can easily stay in touch with people through phones and the internet. There are three mobile phone companies—Mobinil, Vodafone, and Etisalat—that work well in big cities like Alexandria, Cairo, and others. If you’re visiting, you can buy a tourist mobile phone line for about 30 LE to use during your stay.

Getting on the internet is also simple and affordable. Most cities, even smaller tourist spots, have little internet cafes where you can go online. The price is usually 2-10 LE per hour, depending on where you are. Many places, like coffee shops and hotels, now offer free Wi-Fi, making it easy to connect.

You can even get free Wi-Fi at some popular coffee shops like Cilantro and Costa Coffee. Just ask the waiter for a 2-hour “promotional” card. If you’re in McDonald’s, you’ll find free Wi-Fi too.

Sending mail internationally from Egypt is efficient. Airmail takes about five days to Western Europe and eight to 10 days to the USA. Whether by phone or through online messaging, connecting in Egypt is easily accessible and convenient.

Embassies in Egypt

  1. American Embassy
  2. Australian Embassy
  3. British Embassy
  4. Canadian Embassy
  5. German Embassy
  6. Italian Embassy
  7. Spanish Embassy
    • Address: 41, Ismail Mohamed, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt.
    • Phone: 735 58 13, 735 64 37, 735 36 52, 735 64 62
    • Email:

Egyptian Consulate in the UK

  • Address: 2 Lowndes Street, London SW1X 9ET, UK
  • Phone: (020) 7235 9777 or 0906 550 8933
  • Website:
  • Opening hours: Mon-Fri 0930-1230 (lodging applications); 1430-1600 (visa collection).

Egyptian State Tourist Office in the UK:

  • Address: Egyptian House, 3rd Floor, 170 Piccadilly, London W1V 9EJ, UK
  • Phone: (020) 7493 5283
  • Website:

Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in the USA

  • Address: 3521 International Court, NW, Washington, DC 20008, USA
  • Phone: (202) 895 5400
  • Website:

Egyptian Tourist Authority

  • In the USA
    • Address: 630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2305, New York, NY 10111, USA
    • Phone: (212) 332 2570
    • Website:
  • In Cairo
    • Address: Misr Travel Tower, Abbassia Square, Cairo
    • Phone: (2) 285 4509
    • Website: